Perkins Exit Interviews

As of October 1, 2002, the Perkins Loan Exit Interview can be completed on line at:

All students that have borrowed under the Perkins Loan Program must complete an Exit Interview before leaving the University. This applies to all graduating seniors, students that drop below half-time and students that withdraw during a semester. The Exit Interview process will provide you with valuable information that will help you repay your loan.

The interview begins with an electronic Biographical Information Form. This information is required and must be completed to proceed to the next step. All information gathered here is strictly confidential and is not shared with the University community.

During the online Exit Interview process, you will be guided through a brief description of the provisions in the Perkins Loan Program as they apply to you. Please refer to the promissory note(s) given to you by the Office of Scholarship and Financial Aid (OSFA) for a more detailed description. If you electronically signed your promissory notes on the web, you may print copies of those notes at any time.

The last step in the Exit Interview process is a truth-in-lending statement called a Credit Cost Disclosure. This disclosure will tell you how much you have borrowed, how much your loan will cost in interest and when your first payment is due. Both of these forms must be downloaded, completed, signed and returned to our office. You are urged to keep copies for your own files.

Please direct any questions you may have regarding your exit interview to the Office of Scholarship and Financial Aid.