CUBO Members

Members of the Council of University Business Officers (CUBO) help shape the strategic and operational directions for The University of Texas at Austin. It is charged with decision making, leadership, and building consensus for campus business operations.

College, School, or UnitMemberOfficial Delegate*
Cockrell School of EngineeringAbbott, PatrickYanez, Selina
College of EducationHoffman, AngieMorris, Barbara
College of Fine ArtsSingharaj, NisreenArias-Boze, Cecilia
College of Liberal ArtsSaya, RubinaAkella, Sandhya
College of Natural SciencesMedina, RicardoPayne, Jon
College of PharmacyCunningham, CarrieKeilani, Selina
Curriculum & Enrollment and Undergraduate CollegeValdez, MichaelBuchanan, Katy
Dell Medical SchoolDavis, BrianMorrell, Suzie
Executive Vice President and ProvostMiller, Amy E 
Financial and Administrative ServicesHadavi, KristaSimmons Bantau, Aileen
Intercollegiate AthleticsNovak, RobertWebster, Keri
Jackson School of GeosciencesMena, AdamTroutman, Markie
LBJ School of Public AffairsHorsak, Jennifer
Moody College of CommunicationVillagrana, LizetHardaway, Windy
Office of the Vice President for Enterprise Technology (CIO)Simmons Bantau, AileenHadavi, Krista
Office of the PresidentHadavi, KristaSimmons Bantau, Aileen
Office of the Vice President for Business StrategiesGrumbles, DenaZieschang, Michael
Office of the Vice President for Legal AffairsSimmons Bantau, AileenHadavi, Krista
Office of the Vice President for Student AffairsAnthony, David 
Office of the Vice Provost and Dean of The Graduate SchoolWyatt, JakeSinger, Kristy
Red McCombs School of BusinessHoskins, JeffTanksley, Michelle
School of ArchitectureCrowe, LaurenLehman, Josette 
School of Civic LeadershipStreusand, JamieReyes-Krempin, Sonia
School of InformationDon, MichaelKurtz, Dona
School of LawHeidenreich, MelindaBeachum, Andrew
School of NursingCarrington, CharlaDenson, Jane
School of Social WorkNassor, Kamar
University Development OfficeStoller, VeronicaKomarek, Chieu
University Marketing and CommunicationsHovinga, Kathleen 
Vice President for ResearchFletcher, CameronMaldonado-Smith, Nadia


*Official Delegates are designated by CUBO members and attend meetings in their stead. Designation as an Official Delegate does not imply delegated approval authority for University business processes.